Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD, is a synthetic substance made from a fungus that grows on certain grains. LSD, which is also called acid, was first created in the 1930s and made popular by hippies in the 1960s. It is a mind-altering drug that creates intense hallucinations and distorts many of the human senses. The effects of using LSD are known as a trip.
If you are wondering, “What is LSD?” It is best described as a mind-altering synthetic drug which changes the way people experience the world around them. The ‘trip’ is the vivid hallucinations experienced by the user. LSD was first used in experiments and touted as a psychiatric drug, and it was later made illegal in 1968. It is a controlled substance in the United States, meaning it has a high potential for abuse. Here’s what you need to know.
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Is LSD addictive?
LSD is not considered physically addictive, but it can create intense psychological dependence. It is thought to interact with serotonin in the brain, offering pronounced effects. LSD is considered one of the most potent hallucinogenic drugs on the market today.
While users do not experience physical withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking LSD, psychological withdrawals can be debilitating. People who become dependent on the drug can often feel like they need it to deal with the normal everyday stresses of life.
Symptoms of Long-Term Use
While the effects of LSD can be very strong, dependence on the drug does not happen quickly. People can build a tolerance to the drug over time, but it takes quite a while compared to other recreational drugs. People who use LSD for a long time sometimes experience flashbacks. Flashbacks are hallucinations that occur even after the drug has been discontinued. Some people develop a disorder in which the hallucinations persist for an extended period after the drug is no longer used.
LSD Side Effects
People who abuse LSD for an extended period undergo emotional changes along with changes to their vision or hearing. Someone may have one or all these symptoms at the same time. Some other physical symptoms include dry mouth, dilated pupils, and increased heart rate. LSD use can also sometimes cause psychosis or paranoia. Unusual behavior, mood swings, and even delusions are not uncommon with LSD abuse.
LSD, or acid, is a very dangerous drug. While it may not be as physically addictive as another recreational drug, it does pose other risks. The effects of LSD last for a long time, and people run the risk of a ‘bad trip’ after ingesting it. LSD can’t be reversed after it has been ingested, the same way Narcan can help reverse the effects of opioids. Its effects can be devastating and long-lasting.
Getting Help for LSD Abuse
If you’ve been trying to answer the question, “What is LSD?” then you probably aren’t abusing it, but you may know somebody who is. LSD is a dangerous synthetic drug that poses many risks to those who abuse it. While physical addiction to LSD isn’t completely understood, psychological dependence can be intense. If you know someone who has been abusing LSD, encourage them to get professional help to stop. Their chances of long-term success increase substantially with treatment. Help them take back control of their life and stop abusing LSD with professional drug rehabilitation services.