What Exactly Should You Expect From A Tinnitus Diagnostic Evaluation At Audiology Island?

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Tinnitus is a common hearing-related condition that affects roughly 25 million adults in the United States. According to different sufferers, this condition is characterized by a high-pitched ringing sound in the ears. Some patients also experience insect humming, roaring, or buzzing sounds in their ears. Tinnitus and hearing loss have a lot of things in common. As such, when addressing tinnitus, the first important step is to do a diagnostic hearing evaluation.

Depending on the result of the test, the best audiology clinics, such as Audiology Island, have a personalized management plan in place to help manage tinnitus symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life.

In the rest of this tinnitus-focused post, you’ll learn:

  • What exactly are the causes of tinnitus?
  • Why is a comprehensive tinnitus evaluation important and why should you trust Audiology Island to help handle it?
  • What solutions should you expect from a reliable audiology clinic?

Causes of tinnitus

Today, the anatomic origin of tinnitus is still unclear to industry experts. However, certain studies revealed this condition has a lot to do with damage to the cochlea – the primary ear organ.

Apart from undetected high-frequency hearing loss, tinnitus is also connected to other physical and medical issues, such as wax buildup, cytotoxic medications, exposure to loud noise, hypertension, stress, and many more.

Why is a comprehensive tinnitus evaluation important?

For a treatment plan to be developed for a tinnitus patient, the underlying cause of this issue needs to be understood. Since tinnitus and hearing loss are highly correlated, most audiologists often start by subjecting the patient to a comprehensive hearing evaluation.

Here’s why you should trust Audiology Island

Audiology Island has a team of experts in different fields that can handle all tinnitus-related issues.  These specialists are certified and well-trained to handle different underlying causes of tinnitus. Furthermore, this audiology clinic specializes in diagnostic tinnitus evaluations. It also has different types of personalized tinnitus treatment solutions in place for patients.

During the comprehensive tinnitus evaluation, you can expect an audiologist and the best New York hearing doctor at Audiology Island to perform the following things:

  • First, you’ll be asked to complete different tinnitus surveys and questionnaires.
  • After that, a hearing test will be conducted by a certified audiologist to match the pitch and loudness of your tinnitus.
  • After the test, the specialist will help identify the most effective masking levels of your condition.
  • The specialist will further counsel you and then help you create a reliable tinnitus management plan to manage your condition. This treatment plan could involve the prescription of hearing aid supplies, especially if the underlying cause has a lot to do with hearing loss. Apart from hearing aids, other hearing devices, smartphone apps, and books (to guide you) will be suggested.

Top 3 solutions you can expect from a reliable audiology clinic

Below are a few treatments plans you can expect at Audiology Island:

1.   Otoharmonics

This treatment plan involves the use of a user-friendly Levo system to help patients listen to their customized sound match via an Apple iPod Touch. The Levo system, which is usually custom-fit earbuds, is designed to help patients manage their tinnitus symptoms and be able to sleep comfortably. The longer you use this system during sleep, the more your brain will get habituated to your one-of-a-kind tinnitus sound.

2.   Neuromonics

Handled by a certified Neuromonics clinician, this treatment plan is designed to help tinnitus sufferers relieve their symptoms quickly. This plan only focuses on addressing the underlying neurology-related causes of your tinnitus. Significant long-term relief is assured with this particular treatment option. With this management plan, you won’t need to take any medication or undergo any surgery.

3.   Hearing aids treatment

Hearing aids can also be recommended for your tinnitus condition. This is especially true if your condition has a lot to do with hearing loss. With a reliable noise generator, this tinnitus therapy can always provide patients with a lot of relief from their symptoms. Instead of listening to the annoying tinnitus sounds, the best hearing aid supplies will divert your attention, helping you to only focus on external human speech and sounds.

You can visit the official website to learn more about a few other treatment plans, such as Zen Therapy and Serenade, which you can expect at Audiology Island.

  • Post published:September 27, 2023
  • Post author:
  • Post category:Health

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