Best practices for efficient data preprocessing

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Have you ever wondered why data preprocessing is a key step on the way to effective analysis and modeling? Our article will explore the fascinating world of this process, shedding light on its importance. Let’s find out five best practices for data processing.

What is data preprocessing, and why do you need it?

Data preprocessing is the process of cleaning and preparing data for analysis or processing. Its purpose is to convert the data into a format easily processed in ML, data mining, and other data science tasks. It makes the data more consistent, clean, and suitable for effective analysis. Proper preprocessing facilitates the exploration process and significantly improves the interpretability of the obtained results. Thus, it is a vital process in data science, especially in various ML applications.

Companies need data preprocessing as an integral part of effective data management. This process ensures that the input data is ready for modeling. The data is consistent, complete, and tailored to specific business needs. With preprocessing, companies can:

  • Improve data quality
  • Minimize errors
  • Enable effective use of advanced analytics, ML, and other data analysis techniques
  • Make better decisions
  • Achieve strategic business goals

There are several techniques used to preprocess data. The selection of the approach needs to be fine-tuned to align with both the characteristics of the data and the goals of the project. Identifying and removing invalid or missing values, outliers, and duplicate records are some of the data cleaning and preparation techniques. We will discuss them below.

The five best techniques for data preprocessing


Handling missing values in data is a key aspect of data preprocessing. These can occur for various reasons. For example, the unavailability of data or a lack of information in the dataset. There are several approaches to solving this problem, i.e.:

  • Imputation involves replacing missing values with the mean, median, or most frequent category. It ensures maintaining data consistency.
  • Removing instances with missing values, while simple, can lead to the loss of valuable data.

The selection of these methods depends on the characteristics of the data and the project context. The key to successfully handling missing values is to focus on precision and avoid the loss of relevant information.


Encoding categorical variables is a key step in preparing data for analysis and modeling in the context of ML. It involves transforming categorical data, such as labels or categories, into a numerical form that conforms to the models’ requirements. One popular coding technique is One-Hot coding, which generates new binary columns for each unique category. Another approach is label coding. It involves assigning a numeric value to a category. It is particularly useful for ordinal variables, where there is a specific order or hierarchy.


Feature scaling involves adjusting the scope or scale of our data. Thus, its main purpose is to provide a uniform scale for all features, which allows efficient comparison of data. There are several techniques for scaling features. One of the most common is standardization. It scales the data so that the mean of each characteristic is 0 and the standard deviation is 1. Another popular technique is min-max scaling. It rescales the data to fit between 0 and 1, which is particularly useful when features have different units of measurement. In addition, it is possible to use nonlinear techniques. For example, logarithmic scaling or principal component analysis (PCA) can deal with outliers or reduce the dimensionality of the data.


Data preprocessing begins with dimensionality reduction. These techniques aim to reduce the complexity of data sets by combining features into fewer variables. Such a procedure reduces the size of the dataset and contributes to improving the precision of models and reducing computational costs. Popular methods that reduce the dimensionality of data are:

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)

It can also be done through feature selection and feature extraction.


Data preprocessing includes the need to adjust the raw information into a more suitable format for the model. One important aspect of this process is dealing with outliers or outlier points that are far from the rest of the data. These values can introduce errors and lead to problems in training machine learning models. There are several strategies for dealing with outliers, such as:

  • Removing them from the dataset
  • Transforming the data to bring outliers closer to the rest of the points

It is important to consciously manage outliers, as they can significantly affect the performance of ML models. Dealing with them effectively will contribute to better model building.


Data preprocessing practices are key to effective data analysis and modeling. In the article, we listed five best practices. These are:

  • Managing missing data
  • Coding categorical variables
  • Feature scaling
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • Outlier detection

Their proper application brings many benefits. They improve data quality, facilitate feature comparisons, and reduce data complexity. If you are interested to know more about data preprocessing and its best practices, learn more about data engineering services to enhance your data-driven endeavors.

  • Post published:January 11, 2024
  • Post author:
  • Post category:Tips

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