Consult the best dermatologists for hair loss treatment and skin issues.

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Hair and skin are the two most important organs of our body, as it serves as a reflection of our inner self. They are also important organs that help to boost our self-confidence. Any problems with the hair and the skin can trigger the body image disturbances of the individual as well. Research studies show that almost 50% of Indian men will suffer hair loss in the year 2023. Many people enroll in hair loss treatment in Delhi to preserve their beauty and to feel confident at all times. 

Hair loss treatment in Delhi:

The most common cause of hair loss is hair care habits that damage the hair. The main focus of hair loss treatment in Delhi is to find the cause of hair loss and to prevent habits that stop damaging the hair. They will recommend treatment strategies to promote natural hair growth. In cases where the damage is extensive, doctors will recommend medicines like Minoxidil that help treat early hair loss. This medication is also known to promote regrowth of hair in the entire scalp. Minoxidil is known to stimulate hair growth and to prevent further hair loss. 

Microneedling is also a technique that dermatologists recommend to stimulate hair growth. Microneedling technique, when combined with minoxidil, was known to stimulate growth in men between the ages of 20 and 35 years. Other hair loss treatments in Delhi that dermatologists recommend are as follows.

  • Corticosteroid injections: The dermatologist will inject corticosteroid injections into the scalp, directly on the bald areas. Doctors will repeat the injection every 4 to 8 weeks. Study reports reveal that 80% of the patients who were treated with these injections had their hair re-grown in 12 weeks.
  • Hair transplantations: Hair transplantations are a major part of hair loss treatment in Delhi. For those who suffer from balding and thinning of hair that is beyond control, hair transplantation is the treatment of choice. It is also an effective and permanent solution for head baldness.
  • Laser therapies: Laser treatment appeals to most people who do not find minoxidil effective. It is also the best option to treat hereditary hair loss and hair loss secondary to chemotherapy. 
  • Prescription medicines: The best hair loss treatment option is to make use of prescription medicine. The medicines of choice are Finasteride, Spironolactone, vitamins and mineral supplements etc. 

Dry skin cause and treatment

Skin is the largest organ in the body and is susceptible to a number of problems as it exposes itself to the sun. Dry skin is a common problem in most people, where the skin looks and feels rough, scaly, itchy, and flaky. It is important that people understand the dry skin causes and treatment to keep the damage to a minimum. 

Dry skin or xeroderma is common during cold and dry weather and can affect all age groups. Other causes of dry skin are using harsh soaps and skin care products, sun damage, and overbathing. Making use of moisturizers and following sun-protection techniques all year round is the best way to maintain the skin texture. 

Though we can manage dry skin to some extent at home using natural remedies, it is important to consult a doctor when,

  • When your dry skin symptoms persist, even after following all home remedies
  • You suffer from pain and inflammation in the skin.
  • The dry skin makes you so uncomfortable that you refrain from daily routines.
  • You develop open sores from scratching the skin
  • You develop large areas of peeling and scaly skin

The doctor will help you understand the dry skin causes and treatment protocol and recommend skin moisturizing products. He might also suggest a prescription ointment or a lotion with hydrocortisone to manage the itches. 


Can dry skin happen due to hypothyroidism?

Yes, hypothyroidism causes dry skin. In such cases, doctors will prescribe thyroxine tablets along with skin moisturizers to improve the condition. 

Bottom Line:

Both dry skin and hair loss can be managed through home remedies and by following a healthy lifestyle. The best dermatologists in the city offer dry skin and hair loss treatment in Delhi. They will carefully evaluate the condition and prescribe appropriate medicines to deal with the underlying disease. 

  • Post published:December 20, 2023
  • Post author:
  • Post category:Lifestyle

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